Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Heather's and Jared's Wedding, Oct 4, 2014

The bride!!!

Lauren Evans, Heather and Bryanna Vazquez

Daddy, Chris Vazquez, and his little girl, The Bride

The first dance!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Seed

Laura Jane Waldron, Diane, Margie's birth mother and Steve, Margie's half brother

Laura Jane Waldron, Diane, Margie's birth mother, Margie Vazquez and Bill Waldron

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute board! It is actually a unique idea and I haven’t seen it before at anybody’s wedding. The bride and the groom look gorgeous together. The place has been beautifully decorated. Everything is so nicely managed and arranged. I am also decorating the convention center for my sister’s wedding ceremony. I got good ideas from this post.
